Thursday, September 21, 2006

Tummy Time

Each day Maddie spends some time on her tummy. She is now rolling over from her stomach to her back. By looking at this picture, you would think she really enjoys tummy time!!

Maddie got a new swing today. Now she has one that can travel with her. She seems to really like it!

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Our Growing Girl

I don't know if she's ready for me to say that she "loves" bath time, but I feel comfortable saying that she "tolerates" it...she's not really laughing it up just yet, but she seems to like getting wet in the warm water. I guess we should enjoy this time while she doesn't try to splash around and make a mess?
We recently went up to South Bend to see Pop, because he was in the hospital having bypass surgery, and while in town we had a chance to see cousin Zack's football game at Grissom Middle School (Jill's alma mater, she has a letter jacket from her days as a Guardsman - Guardsperson?), anyway the picture above was is Madelyn in her carseat at the game while cousin Brenna helps to feed the baby.
After the game we went over to Uncle Chris and Aunt Brandi's house, and Maddie got to spend some time with cousins Zack and Kayla.
We went up to Jason Mallory's wedding in Ann Arbor, Michigan (on the U of M campus). After the wedding we went over to Grand Rapids and Maddie got to meet Grandpa for the first time. She's about the same size as a Gargantuan, but so far has cost us a lot more :)

Monday, September 18, 2006

A cute picture!

I know that we need to update this blog like yesterday! Chuck is a tough act to follow, so I don't feel confident enough in my writing to post pictures. However, I couldn't resist this picture from Jason and Meredith's wedding last weekend. Hard to believe she is 2 months old!

We will put more pictures on here soon!!