This is our daughter, during a "Daddy Feeding". You can see that I have to work on my technique a bit, because it is apparent that the majority of the sweet potatoes end up on the bib. I happen to think this is a really cute picture, but I guess we are supposed to making sure Madelyn gets some nutrition out of her feedings, so we'll keep trying I guess...

This is Madelyn and Pop, at their house in Elkhart. It's not often that Dad can actually out-smile someone in a photo, but congratulations kid, he's done it with you.

Ok, so the pictures are completely out of chronological order, but it's not the order that counts, it's that we put in the good pictures and say some stuff about them. This is Alanna, Maya, and Madelyn at their house in Mishawaka.

Pap and Madelyn hanging out on the grandma-couch (Jill's words, not mine :). It appears that she's saying "come get me", but actually she's trying to show Pap how big she is by waving her arms in tight circles. She learned this from watching late night Richard Simmons infomercials with her father.

Talk about out of order. This is the fateful feeding, just before the top picture. I tell people she likes sweet potatoes, but maybe I just like giving them to her. She likes to spit them everywhere. Jill has more luck with this. Maybe it's not luck...

Ah - the look of Christmas excitement in the face of your child, it's beautiful. Madelyn was lucky enough to get this "gumball" machine twice, once at the McKee Christmas (shown here), and once at the Carnes Christmas. She likes the gumball machine since it lights up and makes noise. It's fun to watch her discover new sounds and objects.
We can't believe she is going to be 6 months old next Saturday - the time sure does fly by.
Well, thanks for checking in with us - please leave a comment if you have time - it's a fun way for us to see how everyone's doing.