Brown County Indiana. It's a beautiful place. Home to Brown County State Park, the Nashville art colony, the town of Beanblossom, a piece of Lake Monroe. Anyone who has been there can attest to it's beauty, but I'm not writing about the flora and fauna. I'm writing about our little beauties, of course. Amelia (sleeping) was in the mood for a road trip, so we asked Madelyn what she thought about heading down south. She was jazzed.

It was a perfect day for a family picnic at the State Park. We packed the coolers and hit the road.
Our route took us through Martinsville, one of the cities hardest hit by the recent flooding of the White River. The Chrysler dealership had a sign out front that read, "No Flood Cars Here". The Ford dealership next door wasn't so lucky. They had a group of what looked like 75 cars encircled with caution tape. There's nothing quite like that "wet car" smell.
We finally made it to the park, which luckily was above water. We had our picnic, and Maddie got to play on the playground. Amelia got to go on her first hike.
We hooked up the baby carrier (first time) and I toted her around the lake, while Jill and Madelyn followed.

The trip was a success, the girls had fun, and crying and whining was at a minimum. That's what I call a good Father's Day.