Monday, August 11, 2008

Amelia - 3 months

Wow! It is hard to believe that Amelia is already 3 months old. She has changed so much in the past month. She began sleeping through the night at about 10 weeks, which has been awesome! She goes to bed about 9ish and is up about 7 or 7:30. It has been great. Now if we could just make ourselves go to bed earlier!!
One of the new things Amelia has started doing is playing with her toys. We recently got her one of those playmats with the toys overhead and she will lay under it for a long time.

This toy (as the pictures below shows) was the one thing we have for Amelia that Maddie is completely jealous of. She likes to lay and play with it as well. What a goof ball.

Today she really got into playing. Click on the video below and see her reaction!

Friday, August 01, 2008

Madelyn's birthday party - 7/19/08

On July 19th we celebrated Madelyn's 2nd birthday with a big party. We had about 20 people over for a cookout and party. Of course there was a Dora theme and she got lots of good presents. Thanks to everyone who attended and all the great gifts she received.

Maddie had a great time playing outside and "swimming". Even our neighbor Justin had fun in the pool.

Maddie got a vacuum from Aunt Brandi and Uncle Chris. Up until now, she has been scared of our vacuum, but this has helped her like it more. When anyone else would try and play with it (or even look at it), she would say "MY vaccuuuuuuuuuuuum!".

Amelia was ready to party and actually stayed awake for most of the party!

Pop, on the other hand, fell asleep at the end of the party.

Mammaw and Grammy doing some good work at putting these tired girls to sleep.

Maddie got a playhouse for her birthday from Grandma and Pop. She calls it her barn. She has spent a lot of time out there playing in it.

Our little diva......(not really, just in this picture)

Smiles from "Yee-ya" (that is how Maddie is saying Amelia).