Thanksgiving was a great, 5 day break! We did a lot of traveling, as usual. Rachel rode up with us because Randi and Joe had their appointment for Rebekah at Riley. The girls were all excited about our roadtrip!!
We went to South Bend for the day Wednesday to visit with Uncle Greg, Steven and Kelsey who had been at Grandma and Grandpa's for most of the week of Thanksgiving. Everyone had a great time visiting and playing.
Some had a little too much fun......
Our visit was all inclusive to be able to visit with Grammy and Mandy as well! 

The Rachel and Madelyn got some cool air matress beds to sleep on. They were kind of a pain to blow up, but were perfect for them and they loved them.
Friday morning, Randi, Roberta and I got up and left to go shopping at 6. We got lots of good deals and didn't really deal with too many unruly crowds. Walmart was a little sketchy, but that is to be expected I suppose! Chuck and Joe kept the girls entertained while were were gone and got some really cute pictures.