Last week we went to two Indianapolis Indians baseball games at Victory Field downtown. The Indians are the Triple-A affiliate of the Pittsburgh Pirates. They lost the game Tuesday, but Thursday they fared a little better, and were winning 8-3 when we left in the 8th inning. On Tuesday it was just the 3 of us, but on Thursday we went with our friends Dustin and Shayla. Maddie's not exactly a baseball fan yet, but she does enjoy crawling around the grass in the outfield lawn area.

Maddie's first time swimming was at our friends' Stacey and Brad's house. It was Jill's 4th beginning-of-summer teacher party. She did well in the pool there, maybe because the water was nice and warm.

We went down to Bloomington Saturday morning to check out the Farmer's Market. We were impressed by the town in general, seems like a nice place - even if it is the home of the Indiana Hoosiers. The Farmer's Market really wasn't anything to get excited about, being the expert on Farmer's Markets that I am...

We also tried to take Maddie swimming at the Y, but apparently she thought that the water should be as warm as the bathtub water she's used to. That didn't fly. Every time some kid ran by and splashed water on her, she cried until we took her out of the pool. Hopefully it doesn't end up being one of those traumatic experiences :) Keep trying, I guess.

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