Last week Randi came and brought the girls for a 2 day visit. They had an excellent time together. The first day we just stayed at the house and allowed the kids to play. Rebekah wanted to play with Amelia, but unfortunately she isn't quite big enough to brave the chaos of the other three girls.

Wednesday, we got up and went to the zoo. We were able to try out our new sit and stand stroller. Randi pushed the three girls and I had Amelia. I think I got the better part of that deal!
Rachel got to try and pet the sharks. I am not sure if she actually made contact with one or not, but she seemed to really enjoy it!

Enjoying the penguins.......
The girls were trying to get a more up close look at the zebras.

They got the chance to ride the carousel and the train while we were there. Rachel was hilarious on the carousel because she kept yelling "I am having so much fun!"

Aren't they sweet? Looking a bit tired however. 
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