We haven't done anything terribly exciting in the past few weeks, but have managed to catch some great pictures of the girls around the house.
The kids are doing well. Amelia is now 6 months old and getting big! She has started crawling this week (We will get a video of this on here soon!). She just uses her arms to pull her along, but she gets quickly gets to where she is going! She is now 18 pounds and 28 in. long. She has her first cold, poor thing. But, she is hanging in there. She still remains all smiles....well, most of the time!

Maddie is keeping us busy. The other day I heard her counting....in Spanish! You can see in this video that she can go all the way to 8!
We had a quiet weekend at home this weekend. We poured some rice in a container and let Maddie play with it. This kept her entertained for nearly an hour (and took about an hour to clean up!).
Her new favorite place to play.....
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