Actually, I'm not the only who has quit their job and started a new career. Jill is no longer a teacher. She has left IPS to open a downtown bar called Jillians - a place to "Eat, Drink, and Play". Sounds like a nice place. As you can see below - she has already opened her business as well. Her sign is nicer than mine. It lights up.
This spirit of entrepreneurship most likely came from my mom's side of the family. Back in 1934 they left South Bend with only $300 in a Conestoga wagon and headed South to open the Greenwood Park Mall. You may have guessed before that this mall was named after the city of Greenwood. It's not.
Not be left out in the furry cold, the dog may have had the grandest ambitions of all. He has decided, not surprisingly, to open his own bank. It's called Chase Bank (how creative). Since we first brought him home from Martinsville, you could see that little twinkle in his eye. He's always been interested in money, I wish I could count the times I've come home early only to find him sifting through my wallet. We also have a sneaking suspicion that he's running a late-night poker game with other neighborhood dogs, why else would he have to go outside 45 times a night? Now he has a place to put all his cash. Good dog.
In a surprising move, Jill's Dad has decided to move down to Indianapolis. We originally thought it was to be closer to Randi and Jill and the kids, but apparently there were grander ambitions involved. He bought a local carwash chain, and will run it with the new motto - "Car Washes so Fast You'll Freeze". That's just the winter slogan.
There can be some contentious times at B.C. Welding up in Granger. In an unprecedented partnership, Dad and Randy have decided to move down to Indianapolis to focus on their working relationship. How better to come together than over piles of man-hair? This is next door to Chase's grooming place. Check the shears for fur.
The Gormongs, not wanting to be left out in the cold, have decided to come to Indy to join in the fun. Joe is known for his skill behind the coals, and Randi is quite the pool shark, so it only seemed the natural combination when they decided to open Joe's Grille, a pool hall with a great selection of Terre Haute's finest grilled meats.
In perhaps the most interesting of entrepreneurial moves, Roberta has also come to Indianapolis start her own dentistry practice. Here in Indy, every dentist's office has to have the doctor's name, followed by "Vote DDS", of course signifying their support of Article 342 of the Indiana State Code (the right to bear air-drills). Unfortunately though, "Roberta" was already taken for a dentistry practice name, so she had to settle for "RobertB", in order to be next in the phone book listings. Check out her office below.