I have had the pleasure of having two days off of school thanks to the snow, ice and wind that hit Indy late Monday night. Chuck was home yesterday with us, but had to go into work today. Normally snow isn't this exciting, but to give you an idea, this is the largest snow fall (9 inches) in one day that we have had since 1919 (4 inches).

Chuck had to shovel out a spot for Chase to "do his business". He stands there and then jumps on top of the snow and does it. We never said he was the smartest dog ever!

Maddie and Chase have been playing together a lot more. He is really good with her; even when she pulls his tongue or fur. Too cute!

Maddie is all dressed for her first Valentine's Day. She got some new bath toys from Mommy and Daddy for the big day!

Hi there. As usual, love the pictures. We got a bunch of snow, too. But here, it's "par for the course". I didn't realize that Indy got so few big snow events. Keep those pictures comin :) Love, Mom
She looks so cute in her Valentine's big and shirt!! Mason is the same way about the snow. It's so high, he just stands there and you can't even tell what he's doing. He's packed it down pretty well now and chills outside for a little longer now.
VERY CUTE!! Just gotta love MA MA..
See you guys tonight!
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