Randi took Rebekah with her and left Rachel with us. Madelyn and Rachel had a great time playing together. Friday came and I knew I had to get them out of the house to burn off some of their energy. Chuck suggested we go to the zoo. We are members, so we figured if it didn't go well, we wouldn't be out any money. The girls did a really good job!
We got there in time to see the elephant Tombie get a bath.
The zoo was all decked out ready for the Halloween Zooboo. The girls hopped in the ghoulbus for a picture.
The girls enjoyed looking at the penguins and the polar bear (or, as Maddie says it "holar bear")
The girls had a good time and were really well behaved. They both took good naps that afternoon after we got home!
That weekend we had our third and final wedding in South Bend. We left about 8 in the morning. We had to make one stop in Kokomo to feed Amelia. We met Randy and his family, along with Bill and Debbie at Chik-fil-a for lunch on our way into town. Maddie had fun playing with her cousins!
She climbed up into the play set and realized she didn't have a way down she liked. She sat up in there saying "I'm stuck!" "Daddy save me" and "I'm in trouble". SO dramatic. Anyway, Chuck had to climb up in there to get her out, but as soon as he got up in there, she said "I go play now" and then repeated the same cries for help when she wanted to get out again. This time there was an older girl in there who was able to help Maddie climb down.
Our friend Jenny's wedding was at 3, so Bill and Debbie took Amelia with them and we took Maddie to Chris and Brandi's house. They took her to the pumpkin patch to pick out a pumpkin. This is her and Kayla looking for pumpkins.
Found one! Actually, she ended up getting 2....one to decorate and then a "baby pumpkin".
They stopped at WalMart to get stickers so that Maddie would be able to decorate her pumpkin herself. With the help of Zack and Kayla, she made a pretty cool looking pumpkin!
Sunday morning, we met up with Mom, Grandma and Pap for lunch at Logan's. Maddie sat next to Pappaw and played with him. She really enjoyed making faces at him and cracked up when he would make them back at her.
Our drive back to Indy was pretty typical. We start out with quiet children and then end up listening to them alternate who is going to cry or whine for most of the way. Amelia took first shift while Madelyn napped. We decided we needed to stop and give her a bottle, but that meant we would have to wake Madelyn up. We passed the Apple Dumpling Inn on US 31 and decided to stop there. 
It was a really neat place. They had fresh picked apples for sale. They also had a playground to play on as well as a barn with different animals in it for petting/viewing. Madelyn was brave enough to pet the donkey.
This was the first time she sat on a big girl swing. She loved it, in case you can't tell from her face.
We got home about 5:30 and were glad to be home once again!
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