Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A High Flying Adventure

We were sitting around Sunday enjoying doing nothing and Chuck said to me "You know what would be perfect for today?" I finished his thought with "The kites!"

Quite awhile ago we picked up these two cheapy kites from Menards. They were super awesome. One has Batman on it and the other Transformers.....they were buy one get one free. We hadn't had (or maybe the word is made) a good time to fly them. However, Sunday presented us with the perfect opportunity because there was plenty of wind (30-40 mph sustained winds).

We went outside and of course Madelyn was totally interested. Chuck got one flying and gave it to her. I wish we had caught her excitement on tape when she was squealing and saying "Look at me Mommy!" Every time she had the kite she would squeal with excitement. This video shows a little bit of it, but at the end her kite crashes, so she isn't as excited.

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